
career - January 20th - 26th

Virgo, after a whirlwind of social interactions, it's time to retreat into solitude and reflect on your thoughts. Unexpected domestic challenges, possibly related to health, may dampen your spirits this week, but strive to regain your usual optimism. Consider meditation or a spiritual retreat to contemplate your concerns without resorting to risky behaviors. Engaging in charitable activities can also uplift you and connect you with your community in a meaningful way. Focus on resolving past issues and handling confidential matters with discretion. Be mindful of your words at home and work, choosing them carefully for positive outcomes. Let go of guilt and move on from relationships that no longer serve you. Stay confident, recognizing your limits while maintaining self-assurance. Remember that challenges are temporary, and success is on the horizon. Embrace the present, release the past, and step into the spotlight with assurance and grace.

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