
September 2nd - 8th

Virgo, this week focuses on the importance of communication in all aspects of your life. A relationship, especially a romantic one, requires your time and attention. Be a good listener and work towards resolving any issues that may arise. Your talents at work are being recognized, leading to praise, a glowing evaluation, and possibly a raise or promotion. Use any extra funds wisely, whether that means paying off a debt or addressing an overdue repair. A short trip with a sibling or cousin could provide much-needed rejuvenation. Meanwhile, your mind is filled with big visions and ideals, prompting you to expand your knowledge and engage in philosophical conversations. Stay focused amidst all your commitments and appointments, prioritizing what truly matters. Embrace the abundance of experiences coming your way this week, but remember to savor each moment rather than rushing through them. Be a priority manager, not just a time manager.

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