
August 5th - 11th

Virgo, this is a time for deep spiritual exploration and seeking mystical experiences that can bring about positive transformations in your life. Be cautious of indulging in hedonistic pleasures as they could have consequences on your well-being and relationships. A father figure may either require your assistance or offer you guidance during this period. Trust your intuition as you navigate a risky decision that lies ahead. A connection may be coming to an end, bringing temporary sadness, but know that new opportunities are on the horizon. Your creative energy is strong now, leading to unexpected and exciting developments. It's important to be assertive and express your needs openly. Take time to relax and switch off your busy mind. Your youthful attitude and playful nature will attract others seeking your advice, so offer it with kindness and understanding. Use the power of your words to manifest your desires and advance your interests.

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