
love - July 1st - 7th

This month, Virgo, you find that those closest to you are not as present or accessible as before, prompting you to reevaluate some relationships causing you loneliness or distress. It may be time to let go and move on, avoiding unnecessary disputes that won't bring peaceful resolutions. Travel to a place that resonates with your soul, where you might meet someone who offers genuine companionship and trust. While a new spark of romance may be on the horizon, remember to also tend to your family who might require your support. During this cycle, embrace your inner authority and focus on professional responsibilities, setting aside romantic pursuits temporarily. Be mindful of your words and actions, as they will have a lasting impact. Invest in personal and professional growth, as it will enrich all aspects of your life, including your relationships. Avoid gossip and negativity, opting instead to provide advice only when requested. Trust in your abilities and communicate confidently, paving the way for positive connections and opportunities ahead.

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