
career - February 12th - 18th

Virgo, buckle up and get ready for a phase that demands hard work and perseverance as you confront complications or delays in your worksite. It's time to invest in yourself by acquiring a new skill or brushing up on an existing one. Additional education will prove fruitful and open doors for you. As a caregiver or mother figure may turn to you for help after an accident or injury, offer your assistance to the best of your ability. Make responsible financial choices by using any disposable income to pay off debts, while avoiding risky decisions or investments. Seek solace and tranquility in spending time outdoors or in a setting that brings you peace. This is a period where you are eager to embark on a new direction, so enjoy the adventure that comes with trying something new, but remember to stay self-aware. Outings with friends will bring joy and much-needed relaxation, helping you to temporarily forget your troubles. Cultivate a healthy balance and keep yourself in check, embracing a sense of calm. Focus on improving your interpersonal skills and be attentive to both words and body language. Surrounding yourself with the right people will invigorate even the most mundane tasks. By making others happy, you will find true happiness in return.

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