
September 30th - October 6th

Taurus, the stars urge you to prepare for a journey towards improved wellness, whether physical, mental, or spiritual. This may manifest as a physical trip or dedicating time to self-care and self-improvement. Strive to steer clear of unhealthy habits and ensure you get enough rest. Embrace solitude for reflection and seek guidance from mentors or trusted figures if you feel disconnected. Change is on the horizon, prompting you to seek advice from elders or authority figures. Consider reevaluating your career path and exploring new opportunities, as rewards are beginning to manifest. Refrain from getting entangled in others' issues; focus on your own growth. Resist the urge for excitement and prioritize stability over thrills. Despite ongoing workplace pressures, you have the strength and skills to navigate challenges successfully. Embrace your true value and trust in your abilities, as your status and reputation are set to rise. Stand firm, Taurus, and embrace the promising opportunities on your horizon.

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