
career - February 12th - 18th

Taurus, this week may bring a real estate purchase or problem that keeps you grounded, causing delays or complications in your travel plans. It is crucial to address this issue and lay the groundwork for a new work venture, but be cautious and avoid engaging in overly risky speculations. Take the time to balance your income and expenditures, allowing yourself some peace of mind. A caregiver or mother figure may require your assistance with a repair or vehicle trouble, so be prepared to delay certain plans in order to set things right at home. On a more positive note, you're feeling outgoing and ready to showcase your adept interpersonal skills. This is a great time to be calm, communicative, and share your insights, as it will pay off in the future. Look to a group of friends who may hold the key to solving a puzzling issue, and don't hesitate to reach out and make new contacts. Additionally, this is an auspicious moment to make a significant monetary decision. Focus on your business endeavors and dedicate effort towards networking successfully with acquaintances. With perseverance, soon things will start going your way.

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