
Horoscope 2023

Dear Scorpio, it is predicted that you will have a very fortunate 2023 according to the Scorpio horoscope. This year, you will succeed in every field, whether it be in love life or education. The lord of your third and fourth houses, Saturn, will only be in your fourth house, meaning that you will experience material pleasures, including the dream of purchasing a house or a car coming true, as well as the opportunity to travel or live abroad permanently. Additionally, there will be progress in your field of work or occupation, leading to improved income that you can use to build a property of your own. You will also see an increase in your honor and be appreciated more as a result.

However, conflict with younger siblings may arise at the beginning of the year, but it will be resolved by February. Fortunately, Rahu and Ketu will transit in your sixth and twelfth houses, respectively, giving both planets an exaltation effect, leading to positive outcomes in all areas. This will also free you from debt and unknown fears and alleviate long-term illnesses. From October, Rahu and Ketu will be in Virgo and Pisces, respectively, leading to unexpected funds and new sources of income, including the possibility of financial gain from traveling abroad.

Jupiter, who rules over your second and fifth houses, will move through your fifth house till April and provide increased money and more education opportunities, especially for those interested in higher education overseas or occult sciences and research. But be cautious with financial decisions from May onwards, and take care to consider them carefully. From April 22nd, Jupiter will form a conjunction with Rahu, causing Guru Chandal Dosh in your sixth house, leading to the possibility of financial benefits but also physical pain and minor ailments until October 30th. After this period, relief will come, and any outstanding issues will be resolved.

All in all, Scorpio, 2023 will be a time of success and good fortune, accompanied by some minor setbacks that will be resolved without lasting consequences. So, enjoy your blessings and use your gains wisely, ensuring that your success continues beyond this year.

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