
career - September 23rd - 29th

In this phase, Scorpio, be wary of unnecessary expenditures, especially on fashion or jewelry, as they may end up costing more than you bargained for. Avoid risky financial ventures and seek professional advice to navigate uncertainties. Your creative insights hold potential for exciting new opportunities; put yourself in the right places at the right times. Engage in social groups or sporting activities for fruitful networking. A longstanding connection may be coming to an end, signaling the need to seek new mentors and expand your horizons. Stick to your routine with detached focus, and hold off on committing to long-term plans. Keep your work varied and interesting, engaging in conversations with coworkers and exploring new avenues through travel. Embrace multitasking, particularly in communication, to navigate stress effectively. Strong communication skills will benefit both your professional endeavors and family relationships.

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