love - January 13th - 19th
This month, Sagittarius, the focus is on family needs, particularly those of a sibling who may require your support and understanding. Approach conversations with an open heart and be sure to listen more than you speak. While the opportunity for travel and spiritual exploration may present itself, it could be met with delays or complications, so remain flexible. A small gesture of love towards a special someone will go a long way now, so plan a thoughtful outing or surprise to show your appreciation. Be cautious of taking on others' problems and instead focus on the positive outcomes of your own decisions. Watch your words carefully to avoid surprises, and be wary of outside influences that may not serve your best interests. Keep your focus on your current path and resist temptations that may lead you astray, including romantic ones. Though your workload may be demanding, you have the resilience to handle it all. If passion is lacking in your relationships, find creative ways to reignite the spark.
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