
love - September 2nd - 8th

This week, Sagittarius, you may find yourself grappling with challenges within your family or social circle that are weighing heavily on your spirit, but remember, these burdens are transient. A legal issue related to an accident or injury may see resolution, offering you a sense of closure. Turn to a wise uncle for guidance as their insights could provide much-needed relief. Seeking clarity on your relationships this week, engage in open conversations to gain the understanding you crave. Remember to prioritize self-care for your well-being. In matters of love, be gentle with yourself and manage your expectations to realign with your true self. Colleagues may express admiration or romantic interest in you, acknowledging your altruistic nature. Despite feeling the weight of the world, trust that your perseverance will soon yield rewards. Stay true to your passions, and the universe will respond in kind, recognizing your efforts with bountiful returns.

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