
love - May 20th - 26th

This week, Sagittarius, you may feel the weight of authority pressing down on you as demands from a boss or superior intensify, causing added stress at work and a sense of isolation from your loved ones. In matters of love, pay attention to the efforts your partner is making to connect with you - a sincere compliment on their appearance will go a long way. Take this time to assist those in need and set aside your ego for the greater good; what you give freely will come back to you in due time. Avoid rushing into commitments or extreme actions in love, and instead, let things unfold naturally. Stay cautious with investments of time, money, and emotions to steer clear of potential unhappiness. Focus on self-discovery before diving into romantic partnerships, allowing yourself time to understand your own desires and needs. Be wary of overanalyzing and keep your passions in check for now; avoid unnecessary conflicts and distractions. Remember, love is not always easily recognized, so take the time to truly understand what it means to you, and let the path unfold at its own pace.

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