
career - February 12th - 18th

Sagittarius, brace yourself for unexpected financial blessings as an inheritance or windfall of cash comes your way. However, remember to handle this influx of money wisely. Seek expert advice before making any investments and steer clear of unwise speculation. While you may encounter setbacks in various aspects of your life, whether personal or professional, resist being trapped in the past and embrace the opportunity for growth. Prepare for the end of a relationship or connection during this phase, and focus on establishing new and positive connections moving forward. Take the time to research and explore new paths that align with your goals and aspirations. If you find yourself feeling weighed down, unable to achieve your usual level of productivity, seek the advice of trusted individuals who can offer guidance. Loss may be on the horizon, so it is important to prepare accordingly. Although you can't seize every opportunity that comes your way, doing nothing would be a mistake. Be selective in choosing your battles and prioritize your relationships. Smooth out any obstacles and delays, both in your professional and personal life. Prepare for competition and be ready to rise above any challenges that come your way.

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