
career - October 2024

During this month, dear Pisces, you will find yourself more attuned to your unique limitations and boundaries. It may feel like a period of challenging tests, but resist the temptation to succumb to despair. Your heightened awareness will extend through and even after your birthday season, yet remember that feelings of restriction and confinement are transient. Guard against feelings of rivalry that may arise, especially with those closest to you; proceed with caution and avoid impulsive actions. This is not the time for drastic changes or bold moves with potentially significant consequences. While you possess the ability to offer assistance in specific areas, avoid taking on the burden of solving all problems. Self-pity will only hinder your progress now. Opt for a low profile and refrain from participating in crucial financial discussions. If communication is necessary, be clear and direct to prevent misunderstandings. Focus on building harmonious relationships at work and in your personal life, seeking alliances rather than conflict. Reach out to mend fences with individuals you may have clashed with in the past, as unity will serve you well. By fostering cooperation and diplomacy, you can navigate this period with grace and ease.

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