
career - December 30th - January 5th

This week, Libra, you find yourself navigating through the aftermath of a recent accident or injury, dedicating a substantial amount of energy towards resolving the associated complications. It's imperative to steer clear of unnecessary workplace competitions, choosing instead to focus on your established routines that have proven effective for you. Recognize the importance of your role in the lives of dependents, whether they be subordinates, children, or pets, and consider giving back to your community through volunteer work or acts of charity. Tap into your spiritual beliefs to gain clarity in the face of challenging thoughts and situations, and reach out to loved ones to combat any feelings of isolation. In a crucial business matter, be confidently assertive and propose that compelling half-formed idea that has been lingering in your mind - your unique perspective could pave the way for a profitable opportunity that your company desperately needs. Embrace your sharp critical thinking skills and remain open to new relationships, both personal and professional, as seizing the moment and initiating connections will bring fulfillment and success your way.

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