
career - September 30th - October 6th

Libra, this week brings a shower of praise from a boss or father figure as your workplace proficiency and efforts are duly recognized, possibly resulting in a bonus or promotion. A potential travel opportunity, even abroad, promises spiritual growth and enlightenment, although complications may arise, so plan meticulously to avoid mishaps. While career transformations are on the horizon, be prepared for short-term financial implications. Dedicate time to expanding your knowledge base and fostering new ideas, leveraging your social circle for fresh perspectives and guidance. Despite input from others, maintain your individual outlook as you navigate new schemes and visions. An emotionally uplifting trip with friends could deepen your spiritual connection and beckon new opportunities. Stay generous and extend a helping hand, letting your depth and magnanimity shine to attract positive attention. Embrace the potential for growth and transformation, Libra.

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