
love - September 2nd - 8th

Libra, this period urges you to prioritize family responsibilities over romance and pleasure. Your attention may be required at medical appointments or in assisting others. Legal or mental health issues could surface, prompting you to address them openly. It's crucial to communicate honestly with your partner, admitting any mistakes and working towards resolution. Seek wisdom from elderly family members to gain insight into your beliefs. Prioritize self-care through meditation, quality sleep, and avoiding temptations that could strain your relationship. Embrace your authenticity and avoid seeking intense connections for now. Focus on self-reflection to address lingering questions before pursuing new relationships. Engage in career and emotional self-assessment, moving steadily towards your passions. While sexual intimacy could be on hold, take time to discern between lust and true love. Trust in the flow of life and be gentle with yourself as you navigate this period of introspection and growth.

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