
career - May 22nd - 28th

Libra, you may have recently ended a relationship or connection in your life, but don't let that bring you down. This end actually marks the beginning of a new and exciting journey for you. Follow your intuition and pursue that creative idea that's been on your mind. In the workplace, it's important to be diplomatic to avoid getting caught up in office politics and arguments. This week, look for new sources of leisure that enrich your life, and don't forget to let off steam with loved ones and friends. Your sense of adventure and creativity will put you in a positive position at work and prepare you for gains on all fronts. There's a chance for romance or even marriage, so pay attention to potential partners. Use your communication skills to build bridges with colleagues and pitch that idea that's been on your mind. You're feeling motivated and productive, so take advantage of it by seeking interesting company and motivating others. You have plenty of internal resources to draw on and can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Enjoy this week of exciting possibilities and personal growth.

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