
love - March 24th - 30th

Leo, it's time to elevate your relationship to new heights. Sit down with your partner and discuss your future together, aligning your visions as a couple and considering taking the next step, whether it's getting married or making a legal commitment. Personal connections are favored now, making it easy for you to expand your social circle through clubs or group activities. Embrace opportunities to meet new people and explore different environments, as this could lead to exciting prospects. Your hard work is paying off, with positive outcomes that will have long-lasting effects. Take a steady approach both at home and work and stay calm in the face of any conflicts. Look for a wider perspective to mend any rifts. Be cautious of material or sexual temptations that may arise, and consider the long-term implications before diving in. Proceed with caution, take baby steps, and enjoy the journey with awareness of potential consequences down the road.

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