
career - September 16th - 22nd

Leo, a recent setback may have challenged your confidence, both financially and emotionally, but now is the time to reclaim your sense of self. Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses, and consider trying out a new look or environment to ignite a fresh perspective. A change in status or rank could be on the horizon, so stay open to new opportunities. Focus on embracing the present and creating a meaningful future, without lingering on the past. Prioritize your health by scheduling wellness appointments and paying close attention to your intuition, which is heightened this week. Engage in financial planning and research to help strategize your path forward. Be a source of rational advice for others, while also maintaining discretion in private matters. While money matters may feel daunting, addressing them now will pave the way for stability and security. Remember to share your abundance with others, as this will bring you joy and camaraderie.

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