
December 4th - 10th

Leo, the end of a relationship may be looming on the horizon, but it doesn't have to be a bitter parting. Use your natural diplomacy to resolve any lingering issues. Rather than dwelling on the past, view this as an opportunity to embrace new possibilities and explore different avenues. Your insights and creativity are shining brightly right now, particularly in your work. Others recognize and admire your talents, and this could lead to a well-deserved promotion or bonus. Trust your instincts as you navigate through some daring decisions. Seek spiritual guidance to find clarity and direction. In the midst of these changes, don't forget to check in on an elderly family member, especially your grandfather, who may need your support. Embrace your sharp and active mind this week as it conjures up innovative and imaginative projects. Share your ideas with others, as you excel in both listening and articulating your suggestions. Your ability to be down-to-earth and empathetic earns you the appreciation of those around you. Personal happiness and long-term goals are at the forefront of your mind. Reach out to others, offering your warmth and friendship freely, but don't forget to delve within yourself, unveiling the true essence of who you are, shedding any pretense or falsehoods.

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