
love - September 2024

Leo, now is your moment to rise tall, carry yourself with pride, and truly embrace your worth and desires amidst the whirlwind of life's happenings. Your partner may challenge your view on individuality versus shared resources, prompting reflection on your financial priorities and decision-making. Your keen perception will help you navigate through potential manipulations, though others may misread your intentions, leading to power dynamics at home or work. Take a deliberate approach, resist impulsive choices, and assess all your assets thoroughly, from your tangible possessions to your hidden talents waiting to be uncovered. While focusing on personal matters, remember to nurture your love connection by balancing assertiveness with humility, avoiding the pitfalls of ego and excessive pride. Move forward confidently but with a clear mind, as strategic planning and consideration will pave the way for success in both your material and personal pursuits. Trust in your abilities, Leo, and let your regal presence shine brightly as you navigate through this transformative time.

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