
career - July 2024

Leo, this period marks a significant time of change for you, with transformations that are anything but minor. Your interactions with colleagues and co-workers are evolving due to recent impactful events, shaping new dynamics in your professional relationships. Health and dietary adjustments are crucial now, as these changes will greatly impact your well-being. The universe also hints at upcoming shifts in various areas of your life. Be prepared for potential mental stress and financial challenges, particularly related to delays in payments or benefits that may stir tensions. To navigate this phase successfully, prioritize timely payments and maintain integrity in your transactions, fostering positive energy that can pave the way for reciprocity. Though gratitude might not always be abundant, uphold fairness in your dealings with others and strive to make their lives easier, as this will eventually benefit you in unexpected ways. Use this period to purge what no longer serves you, creating space to discern and appreciate the valuable aspects of your life. Identify reliable sources of support and focus on efficiency in your work and interactions, as you move closer towards your pursuit of perfection.

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