
career - July 22nd - 28th

Gemini, in this phase, you may find yourself being pulled away from your usual routine to attend to matters of great importance at rehabs or hospitals. A health crisis, whether your own or a loved one's, could demand your attention in a nearly all-consuming way. Despite the challenges, remember to carve out time for yourself. Engage in meditative practices or spiritual rituals that bring you peace and solace. Embrace the inevitability of change and focus on accepting it gracefully. Rest and rejuvenate, for something profound and transformative is on the horizon. Any separations causing you distress at the moment are only temporary. Maintain your sense of balance amidst the chaos, and avoid unnecessary entanglements in other people's affairs. Practice diplomacy and tact in your communications, especially when delivering tough messages. Prioritize your own goals and well-being, as the changes you make now will lead to long-term benefits. Remember that spiritual fulfillment outweighs material gains, and consider getting involved in charity or community work. Seek moments of quiet reflection for restoration and productivity. The universe supports your journey toward inner peace and growth.

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