
July 22nd - 28th

Gemini, a short journey for a change of scenery is in the cards for you this week, but make sure to attend those important meetings to finalize arrangements and secure payments that are due. A delicate family matter will require your attention, so approach it with care and clear communication. Don't overlook necessary home repairs that need to be addressed promptly. Engage in artistic activities to soothe your mind and express your feelings creatively. Despite being pulled in different directions, focus on finding happiness in quality time with loved ones, ignore negativity, and enjoy leisure activities with family or neighbors. Embrace the duality of your experiences, from love to hate, the building and breaking of relationships, and support versus enmity. Managing conflicting emotions will be your challenge now, but stay genuine and diplomatic in your interactions. Remember, teamwork and diplomacy will lead you to success during this hectic period.

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