
love - April 1st - 7th

Gemini, this week is all about making important decisions with your partner regarding a long-term investment or purchase, so communicate openly to find a mutual agreement. Family matters or health concerns may play a significant role in your choices, prompting you to seek professional advice to alleviate any anxieties. Embrace your creative side to gain new spiritual insights, but remember to stay away from vices or risky behaviors. Dedicate quality time to your loved one to reignite the passion between you two. Allow your profound connection to guide you through this intense period of deep contemplation and planning. Reach out for support if you're feeling overwhelmed, as isolation won't serve you well. While mundane tasks may seem unappealing now, focus on more passionate endeavors. Remember, what you give out will come back to you, so treat others with kindness and openness. Take a chance in both your thoughts and relationships, and let yourself be truly seen and known.

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