
October 14th - 20th

Capricorn, this is a time of deep spiritual exploration and inner reflection for you. You are feeling drawn towards embarking on a pilgrimage or a journey that connects you to a higher purpose, with travel abroad being a distinct possibility. Pay close attention to your health and well-being, as you may be called to focus on rehabilitation or self-care practices. Be mindful of any physical or emotional limitations you are experiencing, and work towards finding peaceful resolutions to ongoing challenges. Rest and meditation will be especially beneficial for you now, as your dreams are likely to provide valuable insights and connections to future mentors or guides. Career transformations are on the horizon, and while change may bring some anxiety, remember that your outlook is key. Staying balanced and objective will serve you well during this period of quiet contemplation and preparation for the exciting days ahead. Avoid conflicts and distractions, and trust that the changes you make now will lead to long-term benefits and spiritual growth.

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