
career - July 22nd - 28th

Cancer, instead of dwelling on past setbacks and mistakes, focus on your recent successes and recognize your leadership skills that have gained attention from those in charge. Expect rewards and recognition coming your way. It's time to showcase your proficiency in navigating public affairs while negotiating with government agencies or big corporations. Remember to prioritize your mental and physical well-being and attend to your health. A recent death in your inner circle may bring inheritance money; invest wisely. New schemes are keeping you busy, but consider expanding your knowledge base, especially in research and bigger visions. Your social circle can offer valuable perspectives and choices, so collect input while maintaining your individual outlook. An emotionally and spiritually uplifting trip with friends could be beneficial now. Opportunities through your connections are presenting themselves, so seize them. Let your spiritual side shine through, be generous, and offer a helping hand as your depth and generosity are attracting notice.

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