
career - September 25th - October 1st

Cancer, this week calls for diplomatic negotiations in all aspects of your life. Be cautious with your investments and finances to avoid any cash flow setbacks. Remember, having a good time doesn't have to be expensive. Seek out simple fun with friends and consider participating or spectating in sporting events together. It's also a great time for a minor update to your look, as it will give you a boost of ego and confidence. Embrace new projects, but make sure to get others on board and seek out advice to consider all options. Avoid overanalyzing yourself and instead focus on your strengths of personality and how to capitalize on them. When it comes to professional relationships, be clear and avoid mixing work and pleasure as it could prove ill-fated right now. Take a close look at your relationships and examine how they contribute to your inner self. Forge new bonds or even consider entering into the bonds of marriage if it feels right. In your work, remain orderly and systematic for best results.

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