March 3rd - 9th
This week, Aries, prepare for delays or cancellations in your travel plans, but remember that these hiccups may lead to unexpected opportunities. A father figure or mentor may turn to you for assistance—be there for them while also advocating for your own happiness. Take time for self-assessment, understanding both your strengths and limitations. As you are drawn to the finer things in life, be mindful of your spending. Enjoy intimate gatherings filled with good food and conversation with loved ones. Extend a helping hand to a neighbor, sibling, or colleague in need, as material gains and reaffirmation of your values are on the horizon. Embrace the results of your hard work, but stay vigilant at work and be cautious with your words at home. A raise, promotion, or recognition may be in store for you, but remain humble and diplomatic in your interactions. Stay alert and keep your ego in check, Aries.
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