
career - July 1st - 7th

In this phase, Aries, the stars suggest that long distance travel for business purposes could be on the horizon. This journey may open up new career opportunities that you've been yearning for. Pay attention to the guidance of your superiors and be ready to share your own innovative ideas at the right moment. Consider diving into a new course of study or researching a legal matter to expand your knowledge. Financially, it's wise to be cautious as you await compensation for your hard work. The past weighs heavily on your mind this week, but it's time to release any lingering private matters and push forward with confidence. Communication may feel challenging now, but trust that your words will find their way. Focus on behind-the-scenes activities and be willing to let go of what no longer serves you. Stay grounded, set realistic goals, and conserve your energy for projects that truly matter. Remember, the stress you're facing is temporary—this too shall pass.

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