
career - March 2023

During this month you will come to be more aware of your unique limitations and breaking points. It is a time of tests, yes, but do not fall into despair; though your awareness will be heightened up to and even following your birthday phase, the feelings of restriction or being confined are not going to last.

A sense or actual being of rivalry could come over you so keep your eyes on the people closest to you. This not only helps to add to your apprehensive attitude during this time but could get you into further trouble yet if you jump the gun. This is no time to go overboard or make large changes with likely large consequences. You can't solve the world's problems, even if you were able to help out someone in a department with some specific issue recently. Self-pity will do you no good during this time either. Perhaps the best advice for you during this month is to lay low and keep from standing out. Avoid any big meetings about budgets, spending or other monetary matters. If your voice is absolutely necessary to resolve a specific issue, say only what you need to say and don't leave what you say open to interpretation; clear, concise communication will save you from loads of trouble.

This is a time to make real efforts at getting along with others, both at work and in your personal life. The more people you can befriend and bring over to helping you in your endeavors, the fewer people you need to worry about working against you or trying to sabotage you. For your well-being as a whole, do not hesitate to extend an olive branch even to someone with whom you've been feuding.

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