love - March 10th - 16th
Aquarius, it's time to unburden yourself by sharing the secret that's been weighing on your heart. Be open and honest with your significant other, expressing your sorrow or revealing information about a recent setback. You deserve to be heard and understood during this phase of vulnerability. Steer clear of vices and avoid risky sexual decisions. Consider taking a brief escape, even if it's just a small distance away, to find solace and reset within your romantic relationship. This week, you may feel mentally unfocused, possibly due to distractions from external sources. Reach out to your siblings, neighbors, and colleagues for support to realign your thoughts. Don't neglect your work commitments and quality time with loved ones. Stay inquisitive but maintain focus on your goals. Remember, this phase is temporary, and with patience and assistance, you'll soon regain your usual self-assured nature. Be cautious with decisions but don't hesitate to seek help when needed.
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