career - February 10th - 16th
Aquarius, it's time to step back from your intense focus on work and allow yourself some time for relaxation and play. While you have been diligently wrapping up contracts and plans, a crucial decision regarding your partnership demands attention this week. Be cautious with financial risks or gambling, as hasty actions could lead to unexpected losses. Embrace endings as new beginnings emerge, and consider a change of scenery for a refreshing perspective. If you're feeling weighed down by heavy thoughts, seek guidance and prepare for potential losses with resilience. Prioritize relationships, address delays, and prepare to confront challenges with strategic determination. Remember to conserve your energy and choose your battles wisely, as victory awaits those who plan meticulously. Trust in the advice you receive and stay open to unforeseen opportunities. It's time to navigate through obstacles and emerge victorious in both personal and professional realms.
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