
December 2023

Aquarius, the stars are calling your attention once again to matters of money. Whether it be legacies, trusts, loans, or fundraising, your focus needs to be on your financial situation. However, you may also find that there are still some lingering health issues that need your attention. Pending matters in your life may finally reach their conclusion, and while this could bring about feelings of sorrow and grief, it also brings a sense of relief and joy. This is a time for clearing out the psychic "junk" in your life and letting go of bad habits. Dive deep into introspection and uncover your true strengths and talents. As you reflect on your past activities, you'll find that your self-esteem and self-worth rise. You begin to believe that you deserve a better life and are ready to seize the right opportunities that come your way. Your persona and ideas command respect from others, and this period is filled with stimulation and growth. When it comes to romance, be open to connections with those from different backgrounds or education levels, or those you encounter through travel. Your taste for the unusual attracts an intriguing love interest, someone you may have overlooked before, or someone with a vastly different cultural background than your own. Foreigners and women may play an influential role if you are traveling this month. Your charisma and attractiveness are heightened during this time, increasing your popularity. However, be cautious of indulging in risky moves and excessive excitement, as this could lead to troubles. In your relationships, you or a close partner may grapple with the balance between independence and intimacy. Expect unexpected changes and challenges to your connections, with the potential for sudden breaks or the beginning of new friendships or romances. Ego conflicts over shared possessions or money may arise, leading to arguments and potentially needing to separate or break ties. Pay attention to financial concerns such as taxes, loans, insurance, and wills. Be mindful of excessive spending with credit cards and strive for financial responsibility.

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